First Choice Home Care
Great British Care Awards Regional Finalist
Great British Care Awards Regional Finalist

Head Office & Snetterton 01953 667950

Halesworth 01986 800227
Norwich - Mental Health 01603 980394
Norwich - Domiciliary 01603 367729

Quality Home Care and Support in Norfolk and Suffolk

Home Care Tailored to Individual Needs

First Choice supporting you at home

Our quality home care team offers flexible support to help you live independently at home. Home care, or domiciliary care provides assistance with everyday tasks from personal care, cooking and serving meals to home help including general housework: cleaning, laundry, ironing and bed changing.

We offer flexible care plans, providing a few hours a week or daily care. With the benefit of offering extra professional home care support when you need it, we are here to help, offering hospital to home support, respite care and increased home care if you are unwell or recovering from an operation. 

Most importantly we also offer friendly companionship and we actively encourage our service users to join local clubs such as Day centres, Dementia Cafes and Support Groups, Coffee mornings, The Men’s Shed and to join in on any of our charity events and regular coffee mornings. We believe this has a very positive effect on our customers mental health and wellbeing.

You can read more about the benefits of homecare on our blog: read more> 

"Staying at home means so much to me. Finding help that I can trust has been wonderful"

Personal Care

Your dedicated First Choice Home Care carer will help you remain independent providing personal care assistance including:

  • getting up and out of bed in the morning
  • washing and dressing
  • toilet assistance & specific health related tasks, for example stoma bag or incontinence pad changes.
  • preparing meals and drinks
  • taking medication
  • shopping and collecting prescriptions
  • getting out and about
  • dressed for bed and made comfortable



Our team offer home care for service users suffering from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, as well as respite care to give primary carers a break and palliative care.  We support and offer home care services for people with mental health conditions, sensory impairments, learning disabilities and offer a tailored short term focus care and support plan.

Our aim is to provide outcome focus care within our community - Marcus Green


Care Assessment & Risk Assessment

We evaluate your home care needs, working alongside you and your family to develop a care plan that you are happy with. Our team will visit you at home and discuss the difficulties you have and look for ways to offer support and companionship both inside the home and in the wider community.

Your Personal Care and Support Plan

Following your care assessment we develop a care and support plan with you detailing all the assistance you need, from personal care and home help to providing regular trips out, shopping, and taking an active part in the community. 

Find out more about your First Choice Home Care and Support Plan>

Home Help

We offer a home help support service helping service users run their home with cleaning, laundry and bed making services. This is often an introduction level of support leading to homecare.



Your First Choice Home Care carer can take you to the local shops or into town, carrying shopping and putting everything away at home. They can help you write a shopping list, or collect the shopping independently. First Choice Home Care ensures any financial transactions are recorded and transparent through receipts and signed documents.


Personal Care

First Choice Home Care provides personal care assistance with dignity and privacy including bathing, showering, dressing, toileting, incontinence pad changes and specific health-related tasks.


First Choice Home Care carers may assist with medication, prompting and reminding service users to take prescibed medications. Our care and support workers may only assist with medication that is in a blister pack or dosette box dispensed from a pharmacy or original prescribed medication packets.


We can help service users get out and about, enjoying local clubs or excursions. A home 'friendship' visit may be arranged to sit and talk or to motivate and include activities at home, for example play cards.


Your carer may help with food preparation, cooking, serving meals and drinks. They may encourage eating and assist if necessary, as an agreed part of your tailored care plan. They will also wash-up, put away and empty the kitchen bin.

Respite care

First Choice Home Care can provide flexible respite care. Our  care team offer Dementia care, Parkinsons care and Palliative care. We develop a respite care plan with the primary carer to  maintain established routines. Read more>



First Choice Home Care carers may accompany customers to appointments, for example hospital, dentists, doctors, hairdressers etc.

Out and about 


Your First Choice Home Care carers may accompany you out and about to keep your social engagements and enjoy swimming, walking or any other outdoor activity of choice. Customers enjoy visits to the theatre, cinema, lunches and clubs. We know how important it is to maintain hobbies, interests and friends; enhancing wellbeing. 

Dementia care

First Choice Home Care has a team of care and support workers who have received additional training in assisting customers with Dementia. We understand the importance of routine and continuity in care. We focus on what people can do as opposed to what is no longer possible. We maintain excellent contact with existing support and other involved health care professionals. Read more>

Parkinsons care 

Our experienced care team provide Parkinsons home care offering flexible care plans, meeting service users needs to live independently in their home. We offer support with medication ensuring service users keep to schedule. Read more>

Rising and Retiring

First Choice Home Care can assist you with a helping hand in the morning to get out of bed, incorporating personal care or breakfast, to assisting with putting you to bed in the evening, closing curtains and leaving your property secure.

Sitting service

We provide a sitting service, allowing the main carer to have essential respite and time out. A carer will spend time talking and providing hot drinks. 

Disability care 

 First Choice Home Care offers specialist care for disabled service users; from personal care to supporting social engagements and appointments. 

Hospital discharge

First Choice Home Care offers temporary homecare or intermediate care to help service users get back to normal after an operation or illness. We work closely with the NHS helping service users return home as soon as possible and remain independent. 

Palliative care

We provide palliative home care with compassion and can support with medication, personal care, feeding and companionship. read more>


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Snetterton Branch

CQC Inspection Rated Requires Improvement

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CQC Inspection Rated Good

Halesworth Branch